About the Researchers
Diana Kapiszewski is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Government at Georgetown University. She has engaged in archival research, elite interviewing, and survey research to study political participation and high court–elected branch interactions in Latin America. (dk784 /at/ georgetown /dot/ edu)
Lauren M. MacLean is an Associate Professor in the Political Science department at Indiana University. She has conducted interviews, focus groups, survey research, and ethnography to study state formation, social policy, and citizenship in rural parts of West Africa and the United States. (macleanl /at/ indiana /dot/ edu)
Benjamin L. Read is an Associate Professor in the Politics department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In his research he has used surveys, interviews, and ethnography to study local organizations in China and Taiwan, including both state-fostered and civil society groups. (bread /at/ ucsc /dot/ edu)